nordic art experience

Keitaat / Oases is a series of nature-inspired audiovisual installations and multidisciplinary art performances by Amanda Kauranne, Mikko H. Haapoja, Kira Leskinen and Gesa Piper. The project focuses on the northern nature and all the peacefulness there is.

Contact: amanda.kauranne {at}

Keitaat / Oases captures sounds and landscapes, feelings, moments and little details of the North. The fifth Keitaat / Oases piece - Luonnon hiljaisuus (Silence of nature) was premiered in 2022 in Berlin Theaterhaus Mitte and will be presented next in Kaustinen folk music festivals 12.-16.7.2022. The piece is about nature experiencing in Kittilä. The artistic work for the piece was started in Silence Residency in Kaukonen, northern Finland in July 2018.

Keitaat / Oases interview for Kaustinen fmf

Keitaat / Oases installations combine video and sound art together with music improvisations by Amanda Kauranne and Mikko H. Haapoja, dance art by Gesa Piper and visual art by Kira Leskinen. Often the Keitaat / Oases installations host also open discussions about the nature experiencing and performances of guest artists too. In April 2022 the collective is creating new piece in the Faroe Islands.
Oases from HEL
Oases from HEL is a dialogical art project which explores Helsinki citizens' favourite urban nature trails and areas. During 2017-2019 Oases from HEL was performed in various places in Helsinki and also in Siglufjördur fmf, New York and Silence Residency, Kittilä. In November 2019, Oases from HEL was installed in the Helsinki Central Library Oodi.
The premiere screening for 'Meadownshifting - Karelian Oases' was in Helsinki Music Centre, Black Box hall November 4th 2016. The piece has been filmed in Haikola, a traditional Viena Karelian village where comes no electricity.

Meadownshifting (6:15, youtube)

The very first Keitaat / Oases exhibition took place in artArctica festival 2016. There Kauranne and Haapoja improvised together with dance artist Gesa Piper and the waters of Greenland.
In 2017, three Keitaat / Oases installations were presented in Siglufjördur folk music festival, North Iceland: Karelian Oases (2016), Oases from HEL (2017), in addition to the piece of North Icelandic nature (2016).
© 2016-2022 Keitaat / Oases
ig: @keitaatoases